Han Wang's Lab at HKU EEE

Welcome to the website of Han Wang's Lab at HKU EEE.

Our research group at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), led by Prof. Han Wang(汪涵), focuses on the exploration and development of emerging nanomaterials for novel applications in electronic and photonic device technology. Our research interests include synthesis, device technology and novel circuit applications of two-dimensional (2D) materials including black phosphorus, graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, etc. Our research emphasize on both the fundamental understanding of unique physical properties of novel nanomaterials, and their new applications in high speed electronics and RF sensing, neuromorphic computing, optoelectronics, energy efficient applications, and interaction with biological system.


For postdocs, graduate students and undergraduate students interested in working with our group, please send your CV to Prof. Wang (hanwang6@hku.hk)


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