Han Wang's Lab at HKU EEE


Please find our publications at google scholar.

Cool Package
Multidimensional device architectures for efficient power electronics 17 November 2022, nature electronics


Cool Package
Antimony Semimetal Contact with Enhanced Thermal Stability for High Performance 2D Electronics 11-16 December 2021, IEDM


Publications List

Journal Publications              Selected Conference Publications                     Patents

* as corresponding author    equal contribution  underline : Wang group member



94. M. Rao†, H. Tang†, J. Wu †, W. Song†, M. Zhang, W. Yin, Y. Zhuo, F. Kiani, B. Chen, H. Liu , H.-Y. Chen , R. Midya, F. Ye, H. Jiang, Z. Wang, M. Wu, M. Hu, H. Wang , Q. Xia, N. Ge, J. Li, J. J. Yang “Thousands of conductance levels in memristors monolithically integrated on CMOS” Nature , 615, 823-829, 2023.

93. M. Li†, H. Liu †, R. Zhao†, F.-S. Yang, M. Chen, Y. Zhuo, C. Zhou*, H. Wang *, Y.-F. Lin*, J. J. Yang* “Imperfection enabled memristive switching in van der Waals materials” Nature Electronics , 1-15, 2023.

92. H. Liu , Y. Qin, H.-Y. Chen , J. Wu , J. Ma , Z. Du , N. Wang , J. Zou, S. Lin, X. Zhang*, Y. Zhang*, H. Wang * “Artificial Neuronal Devices Based on Emerging Volatile Switching Materials: Neuronal Dynamics and Applications” Advanced Materials , 2205047, 2023.


91. M. Xiao, Y. Ma, Z. Du , Y. Qin, K. Liu, K. Cheng, F. Udrea, A. Xie, E. Beam, B. Wang, J. Spencer, M. Tadjer, T. Anderson, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “First Demonstration of Vertical Superjunction Diode in GaN” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.

90. Y. Chung, B. Chou, C. Hsu, W. Yun, M. Li, S. Su, Y. Liao, M. Lee, G. Huang, S. Liew, Y. Shen, W. Chang, C. Chen, C. Kei, H. Wang, H.-S. P. Wong, T. Lee, C. Chien, C. Cheng, I. Radu “First Demonstration of GAA Monolayer-MoS2 Nanosheet nFET with 410 μA/μm ID at 1V VD at 40nm gate length” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.
Selected for IEDM Technical Highlights

89. D. Sathaiya, T. Hung, E. Chen, W. Wu, A. Wei, C. Chuu, S. Su, A. Chou, C. Chung, C. Chien, H. Wang, J. Cai, C. Wu, I. Radu, J. Wu “Comprehensive Physics Based TCAD Model for 2D MX2 Channel Transistors” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.

88. N. Yang, Y. Lin, C. Chuu, S. Rahman, T. Wu, A. Chou, S. Liew, K. Fujiwara, H. Chen, J. Ikeda, A. Tsukazaki, D. Hou, W. Woon, S. Liao, S. Huang, X. Qian, J. Guo, I. Radu, H.-S. P. Wong, H. Wang* “Computational Screening and Multiscale Simulation of Barrier-Free Contacts for 2D Semiconductor pFET” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.
Selected for IEDM Technical Highlights
featured in Nature Electronics “Semimetals make good p-type contacts” by M. Parker

87. T. Lee, E. Su, B. Lin, Y. Chen, W. Yun, P. Ho, J. Wang, S. Su, C. Hsu, P. Mao, Y. Chang, C Chien, B. Liu, C. Su, C. Kei, H. Wang, H.-S. P. Wong, T. Lee, W. Chang, C Cheng, I. Radu “Nearly Ideal Subthreshold Swing in Monolayer MoS2 Top-Gate nFETs with Scaled EOT of 1 nm” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.
Selected for IEDM Technical Highlights

86. T. Hung, M. Li, W. Yun, S. Chou, S. Su, E. Chen, S. Liew, Y. Yang, K. Lin, D. Hou, T. Lee, H. Wang, C. Cheng, M. Lin, H.-S. P. Wong, I. Radu “pMOSFET with CVD-grown 2D semiconductor channel enabled by ultra-thin and fab-compatible spacer doping” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.

85. A. Chou, Y. Lin, Y. Lin*, C. Hsu, M. Li, S. Liew, S. Chou, H. Chen, H. Chiu, P. Ho, M. Hsu, Y. Hsu, N. Yang, W. Woon, S. Liao, D. Hou, C. Chien, W. Chang, I. Radu, C. Wu, H.-S. P. Wong, H. Wang* “High-Performance Monolayer WSe2 p/n FETs via Antimony-Platinum Modulated Contact Technology towards 2D CMOS Electronics” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2022 , accepted.

84. Y. Zhang*, F. Udrea*, H. Wang * “Multidimensional device architectures for efficient power electronics” Nature Electronics , 5, 723–734, 2022. (invited review article).

83. M. Lien *, N. Wang , J. Wu , A. Soibel, S. Gunapala, H. Wang , M. Povinelli* “Resonant Grating-Enhanced Black Phosphorus Mid-Wave Infrared Photodetector” Nano Letters , 22 , 21 , 8704-8710, 2022 .

82. J. Wu† *, N. Wang† , Y. Xie, H. Liu , X. Huang, X. Cong, H. Chen , J. Ma , F. Liu, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, P. Tan, H. Wang * “Polymer-like Inorganic Double Helical Van Der Waals Semiconductor” Nano Letters , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03394.

81. J. Ma , H. Liu , N. Yang, J. Zou, S. Lin, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Guo, H. Wang * “Circuit Level Memory Technologies and Applications based on 2D Materials” Advanced Materials , 2202371, 2022.

80. J. Wu† , Y. Yao, M. Lin, M. Rösner, Z. Du , K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Tan, S. Haa, H. Wang * “Spin–Phonon Coupling in Ferromagnetic Monolayer Chromium Tribromide” Advanced Materials , 34, 2108506, 2022.


79. J. Wu *, N. Wang , X. Yan , H. Wang * “Emerging low-dimensional materials for mid-infrared detection” Nano Research , 14, 6, 1863-1877, 2021 (invited review article).

78. Y. Lin, P. Shen, C. Su, A. Chou, T. Wu, C. Cheng, J. Park, M. Chiu, A. Lu, H. Tang, M. Tavakoli, G. Pitner, X. Ji, C. McGahan, X. Wang, Z. Cai, N. Mao, J. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Tisdale, X. Ling, K. Aidala, V. Tung, J. Li, A. Zettl, C. Wu, J. Guo, H. Wang , J. Bokor, T. Palacios, L. Li, J. Kong “Contact Engineering for High-Performance N-Type 2D Semiconductor Transistors” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2021 , 37.2. 1-37.2. 4 2021.

77. Z. Mutlu, Y. Lin, G. Barin, Z. Zhang, G. Pitner, S. Wang, R. Darawish2, M. Giovannantonio, H. Wang , J. Cai, M. Passlack, C. H. Diaz, A. Narita, K. Müllen, F. Fischer, P. Bandaru, A. C. Kummel, P. Ruffieux, R. Fasel, and J. Bokor “Short-Channel Double-Gate FETs with Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2021 , 37.4. 1-37.4. 4 2021.

76. M. Xiao, Y. Ma, Z. Du , V. Pathirana, K. Cheng, A. Xie, E. Beam, Y. Cao, F. Udrea, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “Multi-Channel Monolithic-Cascode HEMT (MC2-HEMT): A New GaN Power Switch up to 10 kV” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2021 , 5.5. 1-5.5. 4 1 2021.
Selected for IEDM Technical Highlights
featured in Nature Electronics “A gallium nitride HEMT that enhances” by M. Parker

75. Y. Cui, H. Chen , S. Chen, D. Linkhart, H. Tan, J. Wu , S. Yoon, M. Geiler, A. Geiler, E. Beam, A. Xie, N. Wang , M. Regan, M. Kruzich, B. Nguyen, D. White, A. Ketterson, C. Lee, D. Willis, H. Wang *, Y. Cao* “Monolithically Integrated Self-Biased Circulator for mmWave T/R MMIC Applications” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2021 , 4.2. 1-4.2. 4 2021.

74. A. Chou, T. Wu, C. Cheng, S. Zhan, I. Ni, S. Wang, Y. Chang, S. Liew, E. Chen, W. Chang, C. Wu, J. Cai, H. Wong, H. Wang * “Antimony Semimetal Contact with Enhanced Thermal Stability for High Performance 2D Electronics” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2021 , 7.2. 1-7.2. 4 2021.

73. Y. Ma, M. Xiao, Z. Du , H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “Tri-Gate GaN Junction HEMTs: Physics and Performance Space” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3103157.

72. X. Yan† , J. Ma† , T. Wu, A. Zhang, J. -B. Wu , M. Chin, Z. Zhang, M. Dubey, W. Wu, M. S.-W. Chen, J. Guo, H. Wang * “Reconfigurable Stochastic Neurons Based on Tin Oxide/MoS2 Hetero-memristors for Simulated Annealing and the Boltzmann Machine” Nature Communications , 12, Article number: 5710 (2021).

71. H. Liu , T. Wu, X. Yan , J. Wu , N. Wang , Z. Du , H. Yang, B. Chen, Z. Zhang, F. Liu, W. Wu, J. Guo, H. Wang * “A Tantalum Disulfide Charge-Density-Wave Stochastic Artificial Neuron for Emulating Neural Statistical Properties” Nano Letters , 21, 8, 3465–3472, 2021.

70. L. Fan†, X. Yan †, H. Wang *, L. V. Wang* “Real-time observation and control of optical chaos” Science Advances , 7, 3, 2021.


69. M. Xiao*, Y. Ma, Z. Du, X. Yan, R. Zhang, K. Cheng, K. Liu, A. Xie, E. Beam, Y. Cao, H. Wang*, Y. Zhang* “5 kV Multi-Channel AlGaN/GaN Power Schottky Barrier Diodes with Junction Fin Anode”  International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) , 2020.
Selected for IEDM Technical Highlights
featured in Nature Electronics “Gallium nitride gets wrapped up” by S. Thomas

68. N. Yang, H.-Y. Chen, J. Wu, T. Wu, J. Cao, X. Ling, H. Wang*, J. Guo* “Multiscale Simulation of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memory Enabled by van der Waals Heterojunction: Comparison to Experiment and Performance Projection” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) , 2020.
Selected for IEDM Technical Highlights

67. M. Xiao, X. Yan , J. Xie, E. Beam, Y. Cao, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “Origin of leakage current in vertical GaN devices with nonplanar regrown p-GaN”  Applied Physics Letters , in press.

66. B. Chen†, H. Yang†, B. Song, D. Meng, X. Yan , Y. Li, Y. Wang, P. Hu, T. Ou, M. Barnell, Q. Wu, H. Wang , W. Wu “A memristor-based hybrid analog-digital computing platform for mobile robotics” Science Robotics , 5, 47, 2020.

65. H. Y. Wong*, M. Xiao, B. Wang, Y. K. Chiu, X. Yan , J. Ma , K. Sasaki, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “TCAD-Machine Learning Framework for Device Variation and Operating Temperature Analysis With Experimental Demonstration” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society , 8, 992-1000, 2020.

64. Y. Ma, M. Xiao, Z. Du , X. Yan , K. Cheng, M. Clavel, M. K. Hudait, I. Kravchenko, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “Tri-Gate GaN Junction HEMT” Appl. Phys. Lett. , in press.

63. J. Wu† , H.-Y. Chen† , N. Yang, J. Cao, X. Yan , F. Liu, Q. Sun*, X. Ling, J. Guo*, H. Wang * “High tunnelling electroresistance in a ferroelectric van der Waals heterojunction via giant barrier height modulation” Nature Electronics , 3, 466-472, 2020.
featured in Nature Electronics (News and Views), 3, 440-441, 2020.
featured in Electronics Weekly , EENews , and USC Viterbi News

62. M. Xiao, Z. Du , J. Xie, E. Beam, X. Yan , K. Cheng, H. Wang *, Y. Cao*, Y. Zhang* “Lateral p-GaN/2DEG junction diodes by selective-area p-GaN trench-filling-regrowth in AlGaN/GaN” Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 053503, 2020.

61. H. Zhao , B. Wang, F. Liu, X. Yan , H. Wang, W. S. Leong, M. J. Stevens, P. Vashishta, A. Nakano, J. Kong, R. Kalia*, H. Wang “Fluidic Flow Assisted Deterministic Folding of van der Waals Materials” Advanced Functional Materials , 30, 1908691,2020.


60. B. Wang, M. Xiao, X. Yan , H. Y. Wong, J. Ma , K. Sasaki, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “High-voltage vertical Ga2O3 power rectifiers operational at high temperatures up to 600K” Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 263503, 2019. (Editor’s Pick)

59. N. Allen, M. Xiao, X. Yan , K. Sasaki, M. J. Tadjer, J. Ma , R. Zhang, H. Wang *, Y. Zhang* “Vertical Ga2 O3 Schottky Barrier Diodes With Small-Angle Beveled Field Plates: A Baliga’s Figure-of-Merit of 0.6 GW/cm2 IEEE Electron Device Letters , 40, 9, 1399-1402, 2019.

58. J. Wu , X. Cong, S. Niu, F. Liu, H. Zhao , Z. Du , J. Ravichandran*, P.-H. Tan*, H. Wang * “Linear Dichroism Conversion in Quasi One-Dimensional Perovskite Chalcogenide” Advanced Materials , 31, 1902118, 2019.

57. T. Wu†, H. Zhao †, F. Liu, J. Guo*, H. Wang * “Machine Learning Approach for Device-Circuit Co-Optimization of Stochastic-Memristive-Device-Based Boltzmann Machine” arXiv:1905.04431 .

56. M. Xiao, R. Zhang, D. Dong, H. Wang , Y. Zhang “Design and Simulation of GaN Superjunction Transistors with 2DEG Channels and Fin Channels” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , 7, 1475-1484, 2019.

55. F. Xia*, H. Wang *, J. Hwang, A. Castro-Neto, L. Yang* “Black phosphorus and its isoelectronic materials” Nature Review Physics , 1, pp 306–317, 2019. (Invited Review Article )

54. X. Zhang, J. Grajal, J. L. Vázquez Roy, U. Radhakrishna, X. Wang, W. Chern, L. Zhou, Y. Lin, P.-C. Shen, X. Ji, X. Ling, A. Zubair, Y. Zhang, H. Wang , M. Dubey, J. Kong, M. Dresselhaus, T. Palacios “Two-dimensional MoS2 -enabled Flexible Rectenna for Wireless Energy Harvesting in the Wi-Fi Band” Nature , 566, pp 368–372, 2019.

53.  X. Yan , H. Wang *, I. S. Esqueda* “Temperature-Dependent Transport in Ultrathin Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors ” Nano Letters , 19 (1), pp 482-487, 2019.


52.  X. Yan , H. Wang *, H. Barnaby, I. S. Esqueda “Impact Ionization and Interface Trap Generation in 28-nm MOSFETs at Cryogenic Temperatures ” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability , 18, 3, 456-462, 2018.

51.  I. S. Esqueda, H. Zhao , H. Wang * “Efficient learning and crossbar operations with atomically-thin 2-D material compound synapses ” Journal of Applied Physics , 124, 152133, 2018.

50.  S. Esqueda, X. Yan , C. Rutherglen, A. Kane, T. Cain, P. Marsh, Q. Liu, K. Galatsis, H. Wang *, C. Zhou “Aligned Carbon Nanotube Synaptic Transistors for Large-Scale Neuromorphic Computing ” ACS Nano , 12 (7), pp 7352–7361, 2018.

49.  S. Niu†, G. Joe†, H. Zhao †, Y. Zhou, T. Orvis, H. Huyan, J. Salman, K. Mahalingam, B. Urwin, J. Wu , Y. Liu, T. Tiwald, S. B. Cronin, B. Howe, M. Mecklenburg, R. Haiges, D. J. Singh, H. Wang *, M. A. Kats*, J. Ravichandran* “Giant optical anisotropy in a quasi-1D crystal ” Nature Photonics , 12, 392-396, 2018.
featured in Nature Photonics (News and Views), 12, 382–383, 2018.
featured in Compound Semiconductors , and Science Daily

48.  Z. Dong, H. Zhao , D. DiMarzio, M.-G. Han, L. Zhang, J. Tice, H. Wang *, J. Guo* “Atomically Thin CBRAM Enabled by 2D Materials: Scaling Behaviors and Performance Limits ” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-7, 2018.

47.  Y. Abate, D. Akinwande, S. Gamage, H. Wang , M. Snure, N. Poudel, S. B. Cronin “Recent Progress on Stability and Passivation of Black Phosphorus ” Advanced Materials , 30, 1704749, 2018.

46.  X. Yan , I. Sanchez Esqueda, J. Ma , J. Tice, H. Wang * “High breakdown electric field in β-Ga2 O3 /graphene vertical barristor heterostructure ” Applied Physics Letters , 112, 032101, 2018. (Editor’s Pick)


45.  I. S. Esqueda, H. Tian , X. Yan , H. Wang * “Transport Properties and Device Prospects of Ultrathin Black Phosphorus on Hexagonal Boron Nitride ” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 5163-5171, 2017.

44.  H. Zhao , Z. Dong, H. Tian , D. DiMarzi, M.-G. Han, L. Zhang, X. Yan , F. Liu, L. Shen, S.-J. Han, S. Cronin, W. Wu, J. Tice, J. Guo*, H. Wang * “Atomically-thin Femtojoule Memristive Device” Advanced Materials , 29, 17032322, 2017.

43.  H. Tian , X. Cao, Y. Xie, X. Yan , A. Kostelec, D. DiMarzio, W. Wu, J. Tice, J. J. Cha, J. Guo*, H. Wang * “Emulating Bilingual Synaptic Response using Junction based Artificial Synaptic Device” ACS Nano , 11 (7), pp 7156–7163, 2017. featured in CBC news ; ACS news ; ScienceDaily ; phys.org .

42.  B. Liao†, H. Zhao †, E. Najafi, X. Yan , H. Tian , J. Tice, A. J. Minnich*, H. Wang *, A. H. Zewail “Spatial-Temporal Imaging of Anisotropic Photocarrier Dynamics in Black Phosphorus” Nano Letters , 17 (6), pp 3675–3680, 2017.

41.  B. Deng, V. Tran, H. Jiang, C. Li, Y. Xie, Q. Guo, X. Wang, H. Tian , S. Koester, H. Wang , J. Cha, Q. Xia, L. Yang, F. Xia “Efficient Electrical Control of Thin-Film Black Phosphorus Bandgap” Nature Communications , 8, Article number: 14474, 2017.


40.  H. Tian , B. Deng, M. L. Chin, X. Yan , H. Jiang, S.-J. Han, V. Sun, Q. Xia, M. Dubey, F. Xia, H. Wang * “A Dynamically Reconfigurable Ambipolar Black Phosphorus Memory Device” ACS Nano , vol. 10, 11, pp. 10428-10435, 2016.

39.  H. Tian , J. Tice*, R. Fei, V. Tran, X. Yan , L. Yang, H. Wang * “Low-Symmetry Two-Dimensional Materials for Electronic and Photonic Applications” Nano Today , vol. 11, 6, pp. 763–777, 2016. (Invited Review Article)

38.  H. Tian , Q. Guo, Y. Xie, H. Zhao , C. Li, J. J. Cha, F. Xia*, H. Wang * “Anisotropic Black Phosphorus Synaptic Device for Neuromorphic Applications” Advanced Materials , 28, 4991–4997, 2016.

37.   Q. Guo, A. Pospischil, M. Bhuiyan, H. Jiang, H. Tian , D. Farmer, B. Deng, C. Li, S. Han, H. Wang , Q. Xia, T. Ma, T. Mueller, and F. Xia* “Black Phosphorus Mid-Infrared Photodetectors with High Gain ” Nano Lett. , 2016, 16 (7), pp 4648–4655.

36.  H. Tian , M. L. Chin, S. Najmaei, Q. Guo, F. Xia, H. Wang* , M. Dubey* “Optoelectronic Devices based on Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides” Nano Research , 9 (6), 1543-1560, 2016. (Invited Review Article)
35.  J.-B. Wu†, H. Zhao , Y. Li, D. Ohlberg, W. Shi, W. Wu*, H. Wang* , P.-H. Tan* “Optical Anisotropy of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoribbons: Optical Contrast and Raman Scattering” Advanced Optical Materials , 4.5 756-762, 2016.


34.   B. Liu, M. Köpf, A. N. Abbas, X. Wang, Q. Guo, Y. Jia, F. Xia, R. Weihrich, F. Bachhuber, F. Pielnhofer, H. Wang , R. Dhall, S. B. Cronin, M. Ge, X. Fang, T. Nilges, C. Zhou “Black Arsenic–Phosphorus: Layered Anisotropic Infrared Semiconductors with Highly Tunable Compositions and Properties” Advanced Materials , 27, 30, pp. 4423–4429, 2015.
33.  Y. Jia, H. Zhao , Q. Guo, X. Wang, H. Wang , F. Xia “Tunable Plasmon-Phonon Polaritons in Layered Graphene-hexagonal Boron Nitride Heterostructures” ACS Photonics , 2, 907-912, 2015.

32.  H. Zhao , J. Wu, H. Zhong, Q. Guo, X. Wang, F. Xia, L. Yang, P.-H. Tan*, H. Wang * “Interlayer Interactions in Anisotropic Atomically-thin Rhenium Diselenide” Nano Research , 8, 11, pp. 3651-3661, 2015. (2017 Nano Research Top Paper Award )

31.  X. Ling, H. Wang *, S. Huang, F. Xia, M. Dresselhaus* “The Renaissance of Black Phosphorus” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , vol. 112, 15, pp. 4523-4530, 2015. (Perspective Article)

30.  X. Wang, A. M. Jones, K. L. Seyler, V. Tran, Y. Jia, H. Zhao , H. Wang , L. Yang, X. Xu, F. Xia “Highly Anisotropic and Robust Excitons in Monolayer Black Phosphorus ” Nature Nanotechnology , vol. 10, 6, pp. 517-521, 2015.

29.  H. Zhao *, Q. Guo, F. Xia, H. Wang “Two-dimensional materials for nanophotonics application” Nanophotonics , 4.1, 2015. (Review Article) The most downloaded article among all the papers of Nanophotonics published after May, 2015.


28.  H. Wang * , X. Wang, F. Xia* , L. Wang , H. Jiang, Q. Xia, et al., “Black Phosphorus Radio-Frequency Transistors,” Nano Letters , vol. 14, 11, pp. 6414–6417, 2014.

featured in ACS C &E News

27.  F. Xia, H. Wang , D. Xiao, M. Dubey, A. Ramasubramaniam “Two-Dimensional Material Nanophotonics”, Nature Photonics , vol. 8, pp. 899–907, 2014.(Review Article)

26.  F. Xia*, , H. Wang *,† , Y. Jia “Rediscovering Black Phosphorus as an Anisotropic Layered Material for Optoelectronics and Electronics” Nature Communications , vol. 5, 2014. selected as research highlights in Nature Photonics , 8, 746, 2014

Prior to Summer 2014
at IBM Watson (06/2013-06/2014)

25.  W. Zhu, T. Low, Y.-H. Lee, H. Wang , D. Farmer, J. Kong, F. Xia, P. Avouris “Electronic transport and device prospects of monolayer molybdenum disulphide grown by chemical vapour deposition” Nature Communications , vol. 5, 2014.

24.  T. Low, R. Roldán, H. Wang , F. Xia, P. Avouris, L. M. Moreno, F. Guinea “Plasmons and screening in monolayer and multilayer black phosphorus” Physical Review Letters , vol. 113, p. 106802, 2014.

23.  T. Low, A. S. Rodin, A. Carvalho, Y. Jiang, H. Wang , F. Xia, A. H. Castro-Neto “Tunable optical properties of multilayers black phosphorus” Physical Review B , vol. 90, p. 075434, 2014.

at MIT (2008-2013)

2D Material Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics

22.  L. Yu* , Y.-H. Lee, X. Ling, E. J. G. Santos, Y. C. Shin, Y. Lin, M. Dubey, E. Kaxiras, J. Kong, H. Wang * , and T. Palacios* “Graphene/MoS2 Hybrid Technology for Large-Scale Two-Dimensional Electronics” Nano Letters , 14, pp. 3055-3063, 2014.

Top 10(the 2nd ) most downloaded Nano Letters article of the the month, May 2014

21.  S. Rakheja, Y. Wu, H. Wang , T. Palacios, P. Avouris and D. Antoniadis “An Ambipolar Virtual-Source-Based Charge-Current Compact Model for Nanoscale Graphene Transistors” IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology , vol. 13, pp. 1005-1013, 2014.

20.  A. Hsu, H. Wang , B. Mailly, X. Zhang, L. Yu, K. K. Kim, Y. Shi, Y. H. Lee, Y. C. Shin, M. Dubey, J. Kong, And T. Palacios “Large Area Two-Dimensional Electronics: Materials, Technology And Devices” Proceedings Of The IEEE , 101,7, pp. 1638-1652, 2013. (Invited Review Paper )

19.  X. Zhang, A. Hsu, H. Wang , Y. Song, J. Kong, M. Dresselhaus And T. Palacios “Impact Of Chlorine Functionalization On High Mobility CVD Graphene” ACS Nano , 7, 8, pp. 7262–7270, 2013.

18.  B. Mailly-Giacchetti, A. Hsu, H. Wang , V. Vinciguerra, F. Pappalardo, L. Occhipinti, E. Guidetti, S. Coffa, J. Kong, And T. Palacios “pH Sensing Properties Of Graphene Solution-Gated Field-Effect Transistors” J. Appl. Phys. 114, 084505,2013.

17.  Y.-H. Lee, L. Yu, H. Wang , W. Fang, X. Ling, Y. Shi, C.-T. Lin, J.-K. Hwang, M.-T. Chang, C.-S. Chang, M.Dresselhaus, T. Palacios, L.-J. Li, J. Kong “Synthesis and Transfer of Single Layer Transition Metal Disulfides on Diverse Surfaces” Nano Lett. , 13, 4, pp. 1852-1857, 2013.
Top 10 most downloaded Nano Letters article of the month, April 2013

16.  H. Wang * ,† , L. Yu , Y.-H. Lee, Y. Shi, M. Chin, L.-J. Li, M. Dubey, J. Kong, and T. Palacios* “Integrated Circuits Based on Bilayer MoS2 Transistors”, Nano Letters , 12, 9, pp. 4674-4680, 2012.
selected as research highlights in Nature Materials , 11, 829, 2012
No. 1 most downloaded Nano Letters article of the month, Sept. 2012
Top 10 most downloaded Nano Letters article of the Year, Sept. 2012 –Sept. 2013
featured in MIT News ; ACS Chemical and Engineering News ; IEEE Spectrum ; EE Times .

15.  H. Wang , A. Hsu, and T. Palacios “Graphene Electronics for RF Applications” IEEE Microwave Magazine , vol.13, no.4, pp.114-125, June 2012. (Invited Review Paper )

14.  H. Wang , A. Hsu, D. S. Lee, K. K. Kim, J. Kong, and T. Palacios “Delay Analysis of Graphene Field Effect Transistors” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 33, no. 3, 2012.

13.  H. Wang , T. Taychatanapat, A. Hsu, P. Jarillo-Herrero, and T. Palacios “BN/Graphene/BN Transistors for RF Applications” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 32, no. 9, 2011.

12.  H. Wang , A. Hsu, J. Kong, D. A. Antoniadis, and T. Palacios “A Compact Virtual Source Current-Voltage Model for Top and Back-Gated Graphene Field Effect Transistors” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices , vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 1523-1533, 2011.

11.  A. Hsu, H. Wang , K. K. Kim, J. Kong and T. Palacios “Impact of Graphene Interface Quality on Contact Resistances and RF Device Performance” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 1008-1010, 2011.

10.  A. Hsu, H. Wang , K. K. Kim, J. Kong and T. Palacios “High Frequency Performance of Graphene Transistors Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition for Mixed Signal Applications” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics , vol. 50, no. 7, 2011.

9.  H. Wang * , A. Hsu, J. Wu, J. Kong, and T. Palacios “Graphene-Based Ambipolar RF Mixers” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 906-908, 2010.

8.  T. Palacios, A. Hsu, and H. Wang “Applications of Graphene Devices in RF Communications” IEEE Communications Magazine , vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 122-128, 2010. (Invited Review Paper )

7.  H. Wang * ,† , D. Nezich , J. Kong and T. Palacios “Graphene Frequency Multipliers” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 547-549, 2009.
selected for highlight in Nature , 458, 390-391 (2009). 
featured in Breakthrough of The Year (Runners-up) 2009 in Science , 326, 5960, 1600-1607 (2009). 
featured in MIT News , PhysicsWorld , EE Times , ElectronicsWeekly

GaN HEMTs for RF and Power Electronics

6.  D. S. Lee,H. Wang , A. Hsu, M. Azize, O. Laboutin, Y. Cao, J. Johnson, E. Beam, A. Ketterson, M. Schuette, P. Saunier, T. Palacios “Nanowire Channel InAlN/GaN HEMTs With High Linearity Of gm And fT ”, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 969-971, 2013

5.  D. S. Lee, J. W. Chung, H. Wang , S. Guo, P. Fay, and T. Palacios “245 GHz InAlN/GaN HEMTs with Oxygen Plasma Treatment” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 755-757, 2011.

4.  S. Guo, X. Gao, D. Gorka, J. W. Chung, H. Wang , T. Palacios, A. Crespo, J. K. Gillespie, K. Chabak, M. Trejo, V. Miller, M. Bellot, G. Via, M. Kossler, H. Smith, D. Tomich “InAlN HEMT grown on SiC by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for millimeter-wave applications” Physica Status Solidi (a) , vol. 207, no. 6, pp. 1348–1352, 2010.

3.  H. Wang , J. W. Chung, X. Gao, S. Guo, and T. Palacios, “Al2 O3 Passivated InAlN/GaN HEMTs on SiC Substrate with Record Current Density and Transconductance” Physica Status Solidi (c) , vol. 7, no. 10, 2009.

at Cambridge University, England (2004-2008)

Si Power Electronic Devices

2.  H. Wang , E. Napoli, and F. Udrea, “Breakdown voltage for Charge Imbalanced Super Junction Power Devices: An analytical model valid for both Punch Through and Non Punch Through devices” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices , vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 3175-3183, 2009.

1.  E. Napoli, H. Wang , and F. Udrea “The Effect of Charge Imbalance on Superjunction Power Devices: An Exact Analytical Solution” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. , vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 249-251, 2008.

Selected Conference Publications

11. M. Xiao*, Y. Ma, Z. Du, X. Yan, R. Zhang, K. Cheng, K. Liu, A. Xie, E. Beam, Y. Cao, H. Wang*, Y. Zhang* “5 kV Multi-Channel AlGaN/GaN Power Schottky Barrier Diodes with Junction Fin Anode”  International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) , 2020.
selected for IEDM Technical Highlights
featured in Nature Electronics “Gallium nitride gets wrapped up” by S. Thomas

10. N. Yang, H.-Y. Chen, J. Wu, T. Wu, J. Cao, X. Ling, H. Wang*, J. Guo* “Multiscale Simulation of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memory Enabled by van der Waals Heterojunction: Comparison to Experiment and Performance Projection” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) , 2020.
selected for IEDM Technical Highlights

9.  S. Rakheja, H. Wang, T. Palacios, I. Meric, K. Shepard, and D. Antoniadis “A unified charge-current compact model for ambipolar operation in quasi-ballistic graphene transistors: Experimental verification and circuit-analysis demonstration” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) Tech. Digest , 2013.

8.  D. S. Lee, H. Wang, A. Hsu, M. Azize, O. Laboutin, Y. Cao, W. Johnson, E. Beam, A. Ketterson, M. Schuette, P. Saunier, and T. Palacios “High Linearity Nanowire Channel GaN HEMTs” 71st Device Research Conference (DRC) , 2013, Notre Dame, IN.

7.  H. Wang, L. Yu, Y.-H. Li, W. Fang, A. Hsu, P. Herring, M. Chin, L.-J. Li, M. Dubey, J. Kong, and T. Palacios “Largescale 2D Electronics based on Single-layer MoS2 Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) Tech. Digest. , 4.6, 2012.
Roger A. Haken Best Student Paper Award, IEDM 2012

6.  H. Wang, A. Hsu, B. Mailly, K. K. Kim, J. Kong, and T. Palacios “Towards Ubiquitous RF Electronics based on Graphene” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Digest , WE3A-1, 2012. (Invited Paper)

5.  H. Wang, A. Hsu, K. K. Kim, J. Kong, and T. Palacios “Graphene Electronics for RF Applications” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Digest , TH2D-3, 2011. (Invited Paper)

4.  H. Wang, A. Hsu, K. K. Kim, J. Kong, and T. Palacios “Gigahertz Ambipolar Frequency Multiplier based on CVD Graphene” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) Tech. Digest , 23.6, pp. 572, 2010.

3.  E. Napoli, H. Wang and F. Udrea “Analytical calculation of the breakdown voltage for balanced, symmetrical superjunction power devices” Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) , June 6-10, 2010, Hiroshima, Japan.

2.  H. Wang, J. W. Chung, X. Gao, S. Guo and T. Palacios “High Performance InAlN/GaN HEMTs on SiC Substrate” International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (CS MANTECH) , May 17- 20, 2010, Portland, OR.
Best Student Paper Award, CS MANTECH 2010.

1.  H. Wang, J. W. Chung, X. Gao, S. Guo, and T. Palacios, “Al2O3 Passivated InAlN/GaN HEMTs on SiC Substrate with Record Current Density and Transconductance”, the 36th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS) , 2009, Santa Barbara, CA. (Invited Paper)


2.  L. Yu, H. Wang , and T. Palacios “Graphene-MoS2 Hybrid Technology for Large-Scale Two Dimensional Electronics” US Patent Application No.: 61/899418 ,pending.

1.  J. Chung, H. Wang , and T. Palacios “Fabrication Technique for Gallium Nitride Substrates” ,US Patent 8703623 B2 April 2014.